The average house price on WESTERN AVENUE is £351,470
The most expensive house in the street is 6 WESTERN AVENUE with an estimated value of £563,609
The cheapest house in the street is 1 WESTERN AVENUE with an estimated value of £257,969
The house which was most recently sold was 2 WESTERN AVENUE, this sold on 31 Aug 2018 for £230,000
The postcode for WESTERN AVENUE is BB11 4JW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WESTERN AVENUE Detached , 183 m2 £257,969 £199,000 26 May 2017
2 WESTERN AVENUE Semi-Detached , 276 m2 £286,594 £230,000 31 Aug 2018
3 WESTERN AVENUE Semi-Detached , 230 m2 £300,242 £225,000 14 Oct 2016
4 WESTERN AVENUE Terraced , 166 m2 £312,828 £245,000 29 Sep 2017
4 WESTERN AVENUE , 166 m2 £312,828 £245,000 29 Sep 2017
5 WESTERN AVENUE Terraced £426,222 £105,000 17 Dec 1999
6 WESTERN AVENUE Flats/Maisonettes £563,609 £100,000 31 Mar 1995